[ESS] Emacs windows and Interactive SAS

Cameron Hooper chooper at umich.edu
Wed Sep 14 05:26:58 CEST 2005

Thank you Rich. Your solution does exactly what I wanted.  Great stuff.


On Sep 13, 2005, at 9:45 PM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:

> I am thrilled to hear M-x SAS is still in use.
> The request is both reasonable and easy.
> I wrote it based on the function ess-multi-frame-SAS in essd-sas.el
> Store the following in file essd-sas-3window.el and then load the file 
> from dired with L.
> Place the cursor in a myfile.sas buffer.
> Run SAS with M-x SAS,
> Return the cursor to the myfile.sas buffer,
> then enter C-c 3
> Let me know how this works for you.  If it seems reasonable add the 
> line
>         (load-file "essd-sas-3window.el")
> to your .emacs.  After some experience we might add it to ESS.
> Rich
> ;;;  essd-sas-3window.el ;;;
> (defun ess-sas-3window ()
>   "Put running SAS buffers into three windows in one frame.
> Place the cursor in a myfile.sas buffer.  Run SAS with M-x SAS,
> Return the cursor to the myfile.sas buffer,
> then enter C-c 3 to put myfile.sas in the upperleft window,
> *SAS.log* in the upperright window, and *SAS.lst* buffers in
> the bottom window.  The *SAS* buffer remains buried."
>   (interactive)
>   (delete-other-windows)
>   (split-window-vertically)
>   (split-window-horizontally)
>   (other-window 1)
>   (switch-to-buffer "*SAS.log*")
>   (other-window 1)
>   (switch-to-buffer "*SAS.lst*")
>   (other-window 1)
> )
> (define-key sas-mode-local-map "\C-c3" 'ess-sas-3window)
> ;;; end of  essd-sas-3window.el ;;;

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