[ESS] overriding <tab> in noweb-mode

Bill Rising brising at erdos.math.louisville.edu
Wed May 18 14:03:19 CEST 2005

On May 18, 2005, at 3:57, Stephen Eglen wrote:

> hi Bill,
> what code did you try?  I just tried the following, but could not get
> it to work either in doc hunks:

under emacs, I added the following hook:

(add-hook 'noweb-select-doc-mode-hook
       (function (lambda ()
               (local-set-key "    " 'ultex-over-and-out)

where the blank is actually a tab (since this works fine in other  
hooks). I also tried using \t for the tab, to no avail.

If I run the hook in any other mode, it works just fine, but it  
doesn't seem to get run when in a doc chunk.


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