XEmacs Installation on Win98

Jan Wunder wunder_jan at gmx.de
Tue Oct 28 14:58:34 CET 2003

Dear all,
I tried to install XEmacs + ESS on Win98 for use with R.
Therefore, I followed the manual of John Fox (‚An Introduction to ESS
+ XEmacs for Windows Users of R’)

As described there, I have
downloaded XEmacs-21.4.9,
created a „home“ directory by typing ‚set HOME=c:\’
in my autoexec.bat file,
created a subdirectory ‚c:\.xemacs’,
copied the init.el from http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/ESS/
to this subdirectory,
copied from the same website the further icon files to the toolbar of
added the line ‚path=%path%;“c:\Program
Files\R\rw1080\bin’ to the autoexec.bat file,
specified the ‚Start in’ directory for XEmacs within the
Properties in the pop-up menu by typing c:\temp.

After launching XEmacs I recieved the following error:
‚(1) (initialization/error) An error has occurred while loading
Cannot open load file: ess-site’

Following the manual I alternativly modified the search path for the
rterm.exe within the init.el file - with the same result of an error message shown

Did I miss something during the described installation?
Thank you very much for your help!
Jan Wunder

Jan Wunder
Via Sableun 4
CH-7402 Bonaduz

Tel. 0041 (0)81 630 21 17

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