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20907099 20907099 at zju.edu.cn
Sun Jul 10 04:24:47 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

Now I have got peakArd1(RangedData) with 1120 rows and peakArd2 with 4665 rows and peak1_with_peak2_overlaps 944 row..

Question 1:Now how can I  get peak1_without_overlaps?

OQuestion 2:when I want to >write.table(peakArd1,"peakArd1")
error:as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) : 
  cannot coerce class 'structure("RangedData", package = "IRanges")' into a data.frame
what can I do with this problem?

 I really need your help.Thank you!

> head(peak1_with_overlaps)
RangedData with 6 rows and 1 value column across 23 spaces
        space             ranges |      strand
     <factor>          <IRanges> | <character>
0002     chr1 [2389275, 2389694] |           1
0003     chr1 [3408545, 3408894] |           1
0004     chr1 [3928820, 3929099] |           1
0005     chr1 [4509890, 4510239] |           1
0006     chr1 [4961425, 4961704] |           1
0007     chr1 [5829985, 5830369] |           1

> head(peakArd1)
RangedData with 6 rows and 15 value columns across 23 spaces
     space             ranges |      rank   strand peaklenth       FDR
  <factor>          <IRanges> | <integer> <factor> <integer> <numeric>
1     chr1 [1819580, 1819929] |      1032        +       350  0.063628
2     chr1 [2389275, 2389694] |       319        +       420  0.003003
3     chr1 [3408545, 3408894] |      1070        +       350  0.073905
4     chr1 [3928820, 3929099] |       627        +       280  0.015823
5     chr1 [4509890, 4510239] |      1043        +       350  0.067733
6     chr1 [4961425, 4961704] |       979        +       280  0.050556

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