[R-SIG-Finance] Quotes every minute

Brian G. Peterson brian at braverock.com
Thu Oct 23 18:56:00 CEST 2008

Look at the documentation for the date class you are using as an index on
the xts object.  The date formats are all standard Posix style timestamps,
and changing the format is as simple as changing the display.

There have also been more than one thread on splitting the date and time
into separate fields posted to this list in the past, so some searching
should do the trick.

  - Brian

SMS Chauhan wrote:
> Ok. Let me be a little more specific. I do the following in R:
>> MS<-getQuote("MS")
>> MS
>             Trade Time  Last Change % Change  Open  High  Low   Volume
> MS 2008-10-23 12:28:00 18.37  -0.96   -4.97% 19.21 19.75 17.6 17772846
>> MS[1]
>             Trade Time
> MS 2008-10-23 12:28:00
> As you can see, Trade Time comes in as a concatenated value of Date and
> Time. Is there a possible way I could write this vector to a CSV with
> Trade
> Time split into different columns? Also could you please mention certain
> functions using which I can convert this time specific for certain
> timezones?
> SMS Chauhan
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