[ESS] ligatures in ESS
Hüsing, Johannes
Joh@nne@@Hue@|ng @end|ng |rom kreb@reg|@ter@nrw@de
Tue May 14 06:58:57 CEST 2024
Dear all,
I declared some ligatures, which led tot he lines:
'(("<-" . 8592)
("%>%" . 8658)
("%<>%" . 8660)
("%T>%" . 129107)))
shown in the entry within (custom-set-variables). When opening an *.Rmd file, I see no effect of this declaration, the symbols show as entered without being replaced by ligatures. When looking at the help page of ess-r-prettify-symbols, I read: "This gets appended to 'prettify-symbols-alist', so set it to nil if you want to disable R specific prettification." Upon C-h v prettify-symbols-alist, I get that the calue of this list is nil. This makes me wonder when my list of ligatures gets appended.
Also, the help page tells me that the original value of the list was
(("<-" 32
(Br . Bl)
(Bc . Bc)
8592) etc etc)
so the structure of each list element is considerably more complicated than of prettify-symbols-alist, which has a standard alist appearance. What do "Bc", "Bl", Br" signify? Do they have to do with center, left and right?
Best wishes
Dr. Johannes H�sing
Landeskrebsregister NRW gGmbH
Gesundheitscampus 10
44801 Bochum
T 0234 54509-216
F 0234 54509-499
Johannes.Huesing using krebsregister.nrw.de<mailto:Johannes.Huesing using krebsregister.nrw.de>
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