[ESS] New Emacs? New ESS? New Emacs Modified distributions!

Hüsing, Johannes Joh@nne@@Hue@|ng @end|ng |rom kreb@reg|@ter@nrw@de
Mon May 13 12:11:26 CEST 2024

Dear Vincent,
I installed the package en passent while working, and was able to continue working without any problem, re-definition of paths or what have you.

Many thanks for catering for our needs!


Dr. Johannes Hüsing

Landeskrebsregister NRW gGmbH
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ESS-help <ess-help-bounces using r-project.org> Im Auftrag von Vincent Goulet via ESS-help
Gesendet: Sonntag, 12. Mai 2024 16:30
An: ESS-help <ess-help using r-project.org>
Betreff: [ESS] New Emacs? New ESS? New Emacs Modified distributions!

Hi folks,

With the recent releases of GNU Emacs 29.3 and ESS 24.01.1 (yay!), I was due for updates of my Emacs Modified for (macOS|Windows) distributions. With the Winter semester ending, I finally had some time to devote to the project. I'm pleased to announce that versions 29.3-modified-1 are now available:


Excerpts from the release notes:

## New feature

- The distribution now includes polymode (version 0.2.2) and the
  polymodes poly-R, poly-noweb, poly-markdown. Polymodes are
  associated with .Rnw and .Rmd files (only).

## Updates

- Emacs 29.3 released 24 March 2024.
- ESS 24.01.1.
- AUCTeX 13.3.
- Libre Office English dictionary 2024.05.01.
- Libre Office Spanish dictionary 2.8.

## Changes

- With the new official release of ESS, the "Legacy Emacs and ESS"
  editions are no longer developed.



Vincent Goulet
Professeur titulaire
École d'actuariat, Université Laval
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