[ESS] graphics window for TRAMP sessions

Tyler Smith ty|er @end|ng |rom p|@nt@rum@c@
Fri May 20 21:51:38 CEST 2022


I'm working on a remote machine. I load my script file via `C-x C-f /ssh:host:file.Rmd`. When I run code from the code blocks, it starts a session on the remote machine, no problems. However, if I do a plot, nothing happens. Or at least nothing is displayed.

I've been working around this by creating a jpeg file for each of my plots on the remote machine, then opening the file this creates to view the image.

I wonder: is it possible to use ESS/TRAMP in a way that allows the remote R session to display a graphics window on my local machine? Without Emacs, I can do this via `ssh -X`, is there a way to tell TRAMP to use the `-X` flag? Or is this possible with ESS-remote instead of TRAMP?

Thanks for any suggestions,



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