[ESS] executing Julia from org: error in ess-eval-region

Stephen Eglen @je30 @end|ng |rom c@m@@c@uk
Mon Aug 15 14:21:01 CEST 2022

couple of other quick points:

1. The *julia* repl gets poluted with these 'eoe' end-of-expression markers
which may  be necessary, but feel clunky.

julia> print("org_babel_julia_eoe")

2. this is using *ESS* machinery to evaluate julia.  I'm not yet
proficient enough in Julia, but feel that it might be time that a few of
us get together to think about which is the most suitable emacs
interface for a REPL in julia.  I'm not convinced it is ESS, given how
much can be done in a regular julia repl that our comint interface
cannot cope with.  there are a few others around that are based on
ansi-term or vterm that might be more appropriate.



which also has this for org-babel


as well as



On Mon, Aug 15 2022, Stephen Eglen wrote:

> ok... some progress...
> a workaround is that you will need to use the following in your
> .emacs -- it is simply the version from ob-julia.el with one linne added
> (search for SJE).  I do not know why this alist is needed, but with
> this, I can confirm that :session now works.
> Can you please check?
> I did however need to add two Julia Packages, DataFrames and CSV, before
> it would work.  This could be better documented as it was not obvious in
> the debugger.
> Stephen
> (defun org-babel-julia-evaluate-session
>     (session body result-type result-params column-names-p)
>   "Evaluate BODY in SESSION.
> If RESULT-TYPE equals `output' then return standard output as a
> string.  If RESULT-TYPE equals `value' then return the value of the
> last statement in BODY, as elisp."
>   (cl-case result-type
>     (value
>      (with-temp-buffer
>        (setq ess-local-customize-alist t) ;;  SJE --- addition here.
>        (insert (org-babel-chomp body))
>        (let ((ess-local-process-name
> 	      (process-name (get-buffer-process session)))
> 	     (ess-eval-visibly-p nil))
> 	 (ess-eval-buffer nil)))
>      (let ((tmp-file (org-babel-temp-file "julia-")))
>        (org-babel-comint-eval-invisibly-and-wait-for-file
> 	session tmp-file
> 	(format org-babel-julia-write-object-command
>                 "ans"
> 		(org-babel-process-file-name tmp-file 'noquote)
>                 (if column-names-p "true" "false")
>                 ))
>        (org-babel-julia-process-value-result
> 	(org-babel-result-cond result-params
> 	  (with-temp-buffer
> 	    (insert-file-contents tmp-file)
> 	    (buffer-string))
> 	  (org-babel-import-elisp-from-file tmp-file '(4)))
> 	column-names-p)))
>     (output
>      (mapconcat
>       #'org-babel-chomp
>       (butlast
>        (delq nil
> 	     (mapcar
> 	      (lambda (line) (when (> (length line) 0) line))
> 	      (mapcar
> 	       (lambda (line) ;; cleanup extra prompts left in output
> 		 (if (string-match
> 		      "^\\([>+.]\\([ ][>.+]\\)*[ ]\\)"
> 		      (car (split-string line "\n")))
> 		     (substring line (match-end 1))
> 		   line))
> 	       (org-babel-comint-with-output (session org-babel-julia-eoe-output)
> 		 (insert (mapconcat #'org-babel-chomp
> 				    (list body org-babel-julia-eoe-indicator)
> 				    "\n"))
>                  (inferior-ess-send-input))))))
>       "\n"))))
> On Mon, Aug 15 2022, Stephen Eglen wrote:
>> ok, thanks.
>> In the meantime, I can now replicate your error.  I'll see what I can
>> debug.
>> On Mon, Aug 15 2022, Fraga, Eric wrote:
>>> On Monday, 15 Aug 2022 at 12:20, Stephen Eglen wrote:
>>>> thanks.  Do you know why 'results output' is needed for Julia chunks,
>>>> but not R?
>>> The implementation of ob-julia distributed with org, unfortunately, is
>>> not complete.  There is a work-in-progress version [1] that promises to
>>> fix a few things but it's not quite ready to replace the current
>>> version, I believe.
>>> eric
>>> Footnotes:
>>> [1]  https://github.com/nico202/ob-julia

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