[ESS] What is the right way to deal with modules with emacs/ESS/R on a cluster?

Sparapani, Rodney r@p@r@p@ @end|ng |rom mcw@edu
Tue Feb 16 20:06:21 CET 2021

Hi Gang:

I’m having some trouble between Emacs/ESS and R with modules
that I don’t understand.  We have two TORQUE clusters.  For best
results, I have to load emacs from a script like so from the command line…


(module load R/4.0.1; emacs "$@")

On one cluster, the following elisp code works…
(defun R-4.0.1 () "Launch R v4.0.1"
       (setq inferior-ess-r-program
                      "(module load R/4.0.1; echo -n `which R`)")) ;; subshell

However, on the other cluster, I’m having trouble.  If I try to load
emacs from the script, then it is fighting with the window manager:
there is a window, but I can never bring into the foreground.  If I launch
emacs without the script, then it does play nice with the window
manager.  But, as you might have anticipated, there’s still a problem.
In the mini-buffer, I get
“apply: Searching for program: no such file or directory, R”.
However, the variable inferior-ess-r-program is now correctly defined as

Unfortunately, I have no control over the installation of software
on these clusters (except for via persistent begging).  So emacs-version is 23.1.1
and ess-version 15.09-2

Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Chair ISBA Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics
Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus

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