[ESS] Announcing ‘Introductions to Emacs Speaks Statistics'

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Fri Apr 16 02:58:35 CEST 2021

(This is a text-only, no-links copy of what I just put onto my blog at 
where you find it with links. The key site is https://ess-intro.github.io.)

Announcing ‘Introductions to Emacs Speaks Statistics’

A new website containing introductory videos and slide decks is now available
for your perusal at ess-intro.github.io. It provides a series of
introductions to the excellent Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) mode for the
Emacs editor.

This effort started following my little tips, tricks, tools and toys series
of short videos and slide decks “for the command-line and R,
broadly-speaking”. Which I had mentioned to friends curious about Emacs, and
on the ess-help mailing list. And lo and behold, over the fall and winter
sixteen of us came together in one GitHub org and are now proud to present
the initial batch of videos about first steps, installing, using with
spaceemacs, customizing, and org-mode with ESS. More may hopefully fellow,
the group is open and you too can join: see the main repo and its wiki.

This is in fact the initial announcement post, so it is flattering that we
have already received over 350 views, four comments and twenty-one likes.

We hope it proves to be a useful starting point for some of you. The Emacs
editor is quite uniquely powerful, and coupled with ESS makes for a rather
nice environment for programming with data, or analysing, visualising,
exploring, … data. But we are not zealots: there are many editors and
environments under the sun, and most people are perfectly happy with their
choice, which is wonderful. We also like ours, and sometimes someone asks
‘tell me more’ or ‘how do I start’. We hope this series satisifies this
initial curiousity and takes it from here.

With that, my thanks to Frédéric, Alex, Tyler and Greg for the initial batch,
and for everybody else in the org who chipped in with comments and
suggestion. We hope it grows from here, so happy Emacsing with R from us!

For the group,  Dirk

https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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