[ESS] Anyone get "Text is read-only" issues lately?

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 04:12:22 CET 2014

Is it that the whole R buffer is made read-only? Or only the R prompt?

Nothing on ESS side can set the buffer read only, so it's probably a
third party add-on that is going haywire. C-x C-q to make the buffer
writable again.

If it's only R prompt, then it is connected to comint-prompt-read-only,
but I don't see how exactly that could happen if you don't customize
your R prompt.


 >>> Grant Rettke on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:16:13 -0600 wrote:

 > Good evening,
 > Someone how I've gotten my system into the state where I get the
 > simple error message after starting R:

 > "R-initialize-on-start: Text is read-only
 > self-insert-command: Text is read-only"

 > At which point I can no longer send commands to the repl or type them
 > in directly.

 > I'm a little hesitate to ask more than:

 > "Is anyone else facing this?"

 > Because I haven't seen any current posts as such.

 > My problem is that I literally have absolutely no clue what I changed,
 > and I need to start digging.

 > Any ideas on where I might move forward here?

 > What I have done:

 > 1. Updated ess
 > 2. Commented out .Rprofile and .Renviron.
 > 3. Removed all ess personal configurations; only a require to 'ess-site is made.
 > 4. Removed all Customize settings that were set.

 > ┌────
 > │ (print emacs-version)
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ "24.3.1"
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ (print ess-version)
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ "14.1x"
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ (print emacs-version)
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ "24.3.1"
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ (print ess-version)
 > └────

 > ┌────
 > │ "14.1x"
 > └────

 > R version, 3.1.1.

 > Was a little suspicious that my custom prompt was screwing up the
 > reader and causing the lock.

 > I also checked if read only mode was locked, and it was not.

 > Another option, I am running in-development code, this is to be expected.

 > Kind regards,

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