[ESS] Feedback on 12.04

Marius Hofert marius.hofert at math.ethz.ch
Fri Apr 6 21:35:41 CEST 2012

On 2012-04-06, at 13:56 , Vitalie Spinu wrote:

> Hi Marius, 
>>>>> Marius Hofert <marius.hofert at math.ethz.ch>
>>>>> on Fri, 6 Apr 2012 12:57:14 +0200 wrote:
>> 1) Starting a buffer with a new R process can be done via C-c C-y. By doing so,
>> the point remains in the newly created buffer with the running R process. It
>> would be great if the point could automatically jump back to foo.R on executing
>> C-c C-y. I would find this useful, although a workaround is to start the R
>> process with C-c C-n (if no active R process is there, a new one will be asked
>> for and started -- doing it this way the point remains in foo.R).
> This made me thinking. Currently we have C-c C-y which jump to iESS and
> C-c C-z which jump to iESS and move the point to the end of buffer. I
> find C-c C-y highly redundant, as I always want to jump to the end.
> So I accept this as a relevant and valid point. Shall we make C-c C-y to
> show/start the inferior,  but stay in the current buffer? It will be a
> useful complement of C-c C-z this way.
>> 2) Assume again you are in the buffer containing the active R process. Issuing
>> C-c C-q to close the buffer, the point (unfortunately) still remains in this
>> buffer (instead of going back to foo.R). This is a bit annoying since,
>> typically, one would like to jump to foo.R.
> I have 10 foo[i].R in my emacs? Which shall ESS choose to jump back?

The one that I was last in before going to the active process (or something more intelligent such as what is suggested by C-x b [that typically knows very well which buffer I want to change to]).

>> 3) Similarly for killing an R process. One changes the active buffer from foo.R
>> to the R process buffer and then hits C-x k. The point then remains in the
>> killed R process buffer. In most of the cases, one would like to continue the
>> work in foo.R and so it would be great if a C-x k would throw the point back to
>> foo.R instead of remaining in the buffer with the killed R process.
> Same as above with an additional: If you kill the buffer, how come that
> your point is still in it?

I was imprecise here, sorry for that. 

I have two buffers displayed vertically. The top buffer showing foo.R, the bottom buffer the active R process. I then change to the R process via C-x o and kill it via C-x k. Then I still see foo.R on top, but the buffer shown at the bottom is one of the buffers I previously loaded since the last start of Emacs. In almost all cases you have to type C-x 0 again to change back to the top buffer (showing foo.R) and close the (useless) buffer at the bottom.



> Killing the process buffer should kill the
> process and return to whatever buffer was active before, most likely
> foo.R in your case.
> Vitalie.

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