[ESS] Feedback on 12.04

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 13:56:03 CEST 2012

Hi Marius, 

>>>> Marius Hofert <marius.hofert at math.ethz.ch>
>>>> on Fri, 6 Apr 2012 12:57:14 +0200 wrote:

  > 1) Starting a buffer with a new R process can be done via C-c C-y. By doing so,
  > the point remains in the newly created buffer with the running R process. It
  > would be great if the point could automatically jump back to foo.R on executing
  > C-c C-y. I would find this useful, although a workaround is to start the R
  > process with C-c C-n (if no active R process is there, a new one will be asked
  > for and started -- doing it this way the point remains in foo.R).

This made me thinking. Currently we have C-c C-y which jump to iESS and
C-c C-z which jump to iESS and move the point to the end of buffer. I
find C-c C-y highly redundant, as I always want to jump to the end.

So I accept this as a relevant and valid point. Shall we make C-c C-y to
show/start the inferior,  but stay in the current buffer? It will be a
useful complement of C-c C-z this way.

  > 2) Assume again you are in the buffer containing the active R process. Issuing
  > C-c C-q to close the buffer, the point (unfortunately) still remains in this
  > buffer (instead of going back to foo.R). This is a bit annoying since,
  > typically, one would like to jump to foo.R.

I have 10 foo[i].R in my emacs? Which shall ESS choose to jump back?

  > 3) Similarly for killing an R process. One changes the active buffer from foo.R
  > to the R process buffer and then hits C-x k. The point then remains in the
  > killed R process buffer. In most of the cases, one would like to continue the
  > work in foo.R and so it would be great if a C-x k would throw the point back to
  > foo.R instead of remaining in the buffer with the killed R process.

Same as above with an additional: If you kill the buffer, how come that
your point is still in it? Killing the process buffer should kill the
process and return to whatever buffer was active before, most likely
foo.R in your case.


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