[ESS] r-related question: editing NAMESPACEd functions in packages

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Wed Nov 16 15:53:23 CET 2011

Thanks for adding this Vitalie.  

> In develper mode `ess-eval-function' (and frends) checks
> if the function name could be found in the `ess-developer-packages'.  If
> so, it assigns the function into the namespace using
> 'assignInNamespace()'.
> "C-M-d t" to toggle developer mode
> "C-M-d a" to add a package to your development list (with C-u - remove)
> "C-M-d r" to remove a package to your development list

I would prefer telling .emacs which packages I am a developer of -- is
that possible?  Can I just ess-developer-packages myself?

It may also be a wording issue, but you say

> if the function name could be found in the `ess-developer-packages'

since that variable contains package names, rather than function names,
I'm confused as to how this is working.

thanks, Stephen

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