[ESS] Show toolbar only when using R

Rodney Sparapani rsparapa at mcw.edu
Tue Mar 23 16:43:42 CET 2010

On 03/23/10 10:36 AM, Daniel Muenz wrote:
> Hi all,
> I like using the special ESS toolbar buttons in Emacs when writing R code.
> However, in all other cases (and specifically when writing SAS code), I
> don't want the toolbar to even show up.
> Is there a way to accomplish this?  I figured a mode hook was the way to
> go, so I looked for a variable called something like ess-R-mode-hook (or
> possibly ess-S-mode-hook) but couldn't find anything.
> Additionally, since I never want the standard set of toolbar buttons (e.g.,
> read file, save, print, etc.), is there a way to disable those even when
> the ESS toolbar buttons show up?
> Thanks for any help,
> Daniel

Hi Daniel:

So, you are saying that you see the R-specific toolbar even when you are 
editing .sas files?  Well, that is not the intent, and I don't see that 
myself either.  Could you share some of your settings to see if that 
might be an issue?  As to the default toolbar (which is called 
default-toolbar by the way); that has nothing at all to do with ESS, but 
you should be able to tweak it with custom and I don't really want to 
get into it more than that :o)


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