[ESS] mistake in my previous ess question

Vincent Goulet vincent.goulet at act.ulaval.ca
Thu Mar 5 05:43:59 CET 2009

Le mer. 04 mars à 15:21, markleeds at verizon.net a écrit :

> I was mistaken. The error message that I was getting was due to an  
> bad character in
> .RProfile file. So now the .emacs file is getting executed without a  
> glitch but I think
> there are no commands in there for dealing with the scrolling  
> weirdness I referred to
> earlier so if anyone has code for fixing that, it's appreciated.
> The scrolling weirdness that I'm referring to is where you do  
> control cc of an R region and
> the commands go to the bottom but to really see them outputted you  
> have
> to go to the other window and scroll the slider down. I had this  
> same problem on
> linux and someone sent me code for .emacs file that fixed it. Thanks.

I think the magic stanza is

	 (setq comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t)

(It's in my .emacs file under the 'comint' section.)

HTH    Vincent

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