[ESS] Windows Vista and Emacs/ESS

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Thu Jan 22 13:49:23 CET 2009

hi Paul,

> I told my students that it was easiest to install the Emacs for
> windows that already has ESS in it.  I mean the one that Vincent
> Goulet provides
> http://vgoulet.act.ulaval.ca/en/emacs/

Great, that is good advice!

> When he starts emacs and opens an R file, and then clicks on R to
> start R, a window pops up asking him to choose a directory for data.
> no matter what we do with that GUI, no matter what directory we pick,
> the window does not respond. Keep clicking OK forever, nothing
> happened.
> It is lucky for us that I'm old school, and showed him the old M-x R
> trick, and within Emacs itself we could set a working directory.
> Have you seen this problem?
> Until now, I have studiously avoided any Vista and I've tried to
> actually maintain a pure Linux frame of mind.  But these students keep
> buying hardware in the marketplace and there's nothing I can see to
> stop them :(

Is it an issue with Vista, or if you (or a student) do the same thing on
Win XP, do you see the same behaviour?  


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