[ESS] Process R hangup

karl FORNER karl.forner at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 16:05:02 CEST 2008

> Hi Karl:
> It's a bug, but where is it?  Do you have the latest version of the SUMO
> packages installed?  I don't recognize this particular problem, but I 
> have seen other weirdness that can be resolved by updating those.  And I
> don't get one other thing.  I installed all R packages, but affyPLM is
> not here.  Is there some non-obvious dependency for this package?
> Without it, I can't try your example.
> Rodney


I have the last sumo tarball from the xemacs mirror, but it happened with an
older version too.
The affyPLM is a bioconductor package,  you install it with the
source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"), biocListe() way

Unfortunately the data file is huge, and I'm not myself a R user, so
I could not narrow it to something easily reproducible for outsiders.

I'll try to post something testable soon.

Thanks for your time

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