[ESS] latin-1 in windows

pleydell at supagro.inra.fr pleydell at supagro.inra.fr
Thu Dec 11 17:46:20 CET 2008

> And for your homework assignment...  How can you set this in your
> .emacs with the command set-buffer-process-coding-system?  I couldn't
> figure this part out, but I'm sure emacs has a way!  And for the
> emacs gurus out there, where does .emacs go now:  I'm guessing
> %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\.emacs.d?

Thanks Rodney for your enthusiasm and a good homework assignment. I found a
related thread,
http://osdir.com/ml/emacs.ess.general/2006-05/msg00037.html and have
been trying out the suggestion there (below), however the key post has
a cryptic line which leaves me stumped for the moment, (I quote)

I add the following lines to ~/.emacs

(load "E:/Programs/emacs/ess-5.3.0/lisp/ess-site")
(setq load-path (cons
(expand-file-name "E:/Programs/emacs/ess-5.3.0/lisp/ess-site") load-path ))
(autoload 'R "ess-site" "" t)
(add-hook 'ess-post-run-hook (function (lambda ()
(set-buffer-process-coding-system 'cn-gb-2312 'cn-gb-2312))))

If you change "E:/Programs/emacs/ess-5.3.0/lisp/ess-site" according
to your situtation and change cn-gb-2312 to the proper coding,All will
be fine.
(end quote)

The cryptic part is "change ...ess-site according to your situation", I'm not
yet clear what the correct changes in ess-site should be. Moreover, I don't
have an ess-site, but I do have an ess-site.el so am trying various
experiments there, so far without much clarity of insight or luck. All


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