[ESS] Using anything.el for R help / object browsing

Mathieu Basille basille at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Fri Dec 5 20:20:06 CET 2008

Vitalie Spinu a écrit :
> a)  anything-c-source-occur   is not found - (Debugger entered--Lisp 
> error: (void-variable anything-c-source-occur)) - you said it's very 
> handy in you email - what is all about?


I've been through it myself ;)
All you have to do is to copy the Occur lisp code into your .emacs, so 
that it is recognized. You can find it here:

I copied it before the last lines:
(setq anything-sources
       (list anything-c-source-buffers

but I don't know if it is required.
Hope this helps,


mathieu at lbbe:~$ whoami
 > Mathieu Basille, PhD

mathieu at lbbe:~$ locate
 > Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive
 > Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - France
 > http://lbbe.univ-lyon1.fr/

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 > http://ase-research.org/basille

mathieu at lbbe:~$ fortune
 > ``If you can't win by reason, go for volume.''
 > Calvin, by Bill Watterson.

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