[ESS] par(ask=T) in ESS

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Tue Oct 3 12:52:11 CEST 2006

Dear Christophe,
Thanks for providing the example code!  (Although it just needs
something like "t <- 1:100" to work)

 > Here is an example code:
 > sig1 <- ts(sin(2*pi*t/100),frequency=10)
 > sig2 <- ts(sin(2*pi*t/50),frequency=10)
 > s1 <- spectrum(sig1,plot=FALSE)
 > s2 <- spectrum(sig2,plot=FALSE)
 > z1 <- fft(sig1)
 > z2 <- fft(sig2)
 > par(mfrow=c(2,2),ask=F)
 > plot(sig1,type='l',col='red')
 > plot(s1$freq,s1$spec,log='x')
 > plot(sig2,type='l',col='blue')
 > plot(s2$freq,s2$spec,log='x')
 > par(mfrow=c(2,2),ask=T)
 > plot(sig1,type='l',col='red')
 > plot(abs(z1))
 > plot(sig2,type='l',col='blue')
 > plot(abs(z2))
 > Is there any way to make par(ask=T) work under ESS? Or is it a bad
 > idea to expect interaction between the *R* process while it is
 > evaluating a region?

Yes, right now this is a problem.  I can't think of an immediate way
around this - Ctrl G may help you out here.

 > Actually, I need to use 'par(ask=T)' because I am trying to avoid
 > opening new windows for each graphics because this is not portable
 > (x11() for linux does not work when I send my code to my colleagues
 > using Windows').

I wonder if you could write a function, something like new.window()
that would check getOption("device") to then launch the appropriate
new window?


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