[ESS] SAS mode and commenting

Rodney Sparapani rsparapa at mcw.edu
Wed Feb 1 16:31:48 CET 2006

David Huffer wrote:

>I must have an old file.  I have essl-sas.el, and the last changes in the
>header show:
>;;; Last change: 2/1/95
>;;; Last change: 01/15/02
>I don't have a "comment-end-skip" in mine.  Starting on line 525, I see:
>(defvar SAS-editing-alist
>  '((sentence-end                 . ";[\t\n */]*")
>    (paragraph-start              . "^[ \t]*$")
>    (paragraph-separate           . "^[ \t]*$")
>    (paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix . t)
>    ;;(fill-paragraph-function      . 'lisp-fill-paragraph)
>    (adaptive-fill-mode           . nil)
>    (indent-line-function         . 'sas-indent-line)
>    ;;(indent-region-function       . 'sas-indent-region)
>    (require-final-newline        . t)
>    (comment-start                . "\\*\\|/\\*")
>    (comment-start-skip           . "\\*+")
>    (comment-end                  . ";\\|\\*/")
>    (comment-column               . 40)
>    ;;(comment-indent-function      . 'lisp-comment-indent)
>    (parse-sexp-ignore-comments   . t)
>    (ess-set-style                . ess-default-style)
>    (ess-local-process-name       . nil)
>    ;;(ess-keep-dump-files          . 'ask)
>    (tab-stop-list                . ess-sas-tab-stop-list)
>    (ess-mode-syntax-table        . SAS-syntax-table)
>    (font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search . t)
>    (font-lock-defaults           . '(SAS-mode-font-lock-keywords)))
>  "General options for editing SAS source files.")
>My version. File notes that I have version 5.2.11.  
Hi David:

The Last Change info is either bogus or it's referring to the last change of
SAS-mode before we integrated it into ESS; not very helpful at this point.
The fix for this bug is in 5.2.12 which should be out RSN.  In the 
meantime, if you
replace those 3 lines above with the following, recompile ESS if necessary,
and restart emacs then it should work:
    (comment-start                . "** ")
    (comment-start-skip           . "[*][*] ")
    (comment-end                  . " **;")
    (comment-end-skip             . " [*][*];")


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