[ESS] ess using stata: Symbol's value as variable is void:, inferior-ess-font-lock-keywords

renato corbetta corbetta at uab.edu
Wed Oct 12 21:21:16 CEST 2005

Thanks for the input, Stephen.  Sorry for not providing sufficient info.
Later last night I found a thread in the Archives from April 2005 where
a similar error was reported, but no solution was posted.
Anyway, I added (setq inferior-ess-font-lock-keywords nil) to my .emacs 
but still no luck.  Emacs opens a Stata buffer but there is no active 

I followed your directions and produced a backtrace of the error.  Here 
it is:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable 
  (if (not noweb-mode) (noweb-old-turn-on-font-lock) (if (and ... 
noweb-use-font-lock-mode) (noweb-font-lock-mode)))
  (let* ((symbol-string ...) (switches-symbol ...) (switches ...) 
(buf-name-str ...)) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format "(ess-multi 
0):  inf-ess-start-args=%s, comint-..echoes=%s\n" inf-ess-start-args 
comint-process-echoes)) (set-buffer buffer) (inferior-ess-mode) 
(ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format "(ess-multi post inf-ess: 
start-args=%s, comint-echoes=%s\n" inf-ess-start-args 
comint-process-echoes)) (setq ess-local-process-name proc-name) 
(goto-char (point-max)) (setq comint-input-ring-file-name 
(expand-file-name ess-history-file ess-directory)) 
(comint-read-input-ring) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format 
"(ess-multi 1):  start-args=%s \n" inf-ess-start-args)) (set-buffer (if 
switches ... ...)) (set-process-sentinel (get-process proc-name) (quote 
ess-process-sentinel)) (let (...) (if conselt nil ...)) 
(ess-make-buffer-current) (inferior-ess-wait-for-prompt) (goto-char 
(point-max)) (setq ess-sl-modtime-alist nil) (setq ess-sp-change t) 
(set-process-filter (get-process proc-name) (quote 
inferior-ess-output-filter)) (run-hooks (quote ess-post-run-hook)))
  (if (and proc (comint-check-proc ...)) (pop-to-buffer (process-buffer 
proc)) (let* (... ... ... ...) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer ...) 
(set-buffer buffer) (inferior-ess-mode) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer 
...) (setq ess-local-process-name proc-name) (goto-char ...) (setq 
comint-input-ring-file-name ...) (comint-read-input-ring) 
(ess-write-to-dribble-buffer ...) (set-buffer ...) (set-process-sentinel 
... ...) (let ... ...) (ess-make-buffer-current) 
(inferior-ess-wait-for-prompt) (goto-char ...) (setq 
ess-sl-modtime-alist nil) (setq ess-sp-change t) (set-process-filter ... 
...) (run-hooks ...)) (if (and inferior-ess-same-window ...) 
(switch-to-buffer ...) (pop-to-buffer ...)))
  (let* ((proc-name name) (special-display-regexps nil) 
(special-display-frame-alist inferior-ess-frame-alist) (proc ...)) (if 
inferior-ess-own-frame (setq special-display-regexps ...)) (if (and proc 
...) (pop-to-buffer ...) (let* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (if ... ... ...)))
  ess-multi("Stata" #<buffer *Stata*> "TERM=emacs stata ")
  (let ((ess-directory ...)) (ess-multi procname buf 
  (let* ((process-environment process-environment) (defdir ...) 
(temp-dialect temp-ess-dialect) (temp-lang temp-ess-lang) (procname ...) 
(startdir nil) (buf nil) (buf-name-str ...)) 
(ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format "(inf-ess 1.1): procname=%s 
temp-dialect=%s, buf-name=%s \n" procname temp-dialect buf-name-str)) 
(cond (... ... ... ...) (... ... ...) (... ... ... ...)) (set-buffer 
buf) (ess-setq-vars-local ess-customize-alist) (if ess-start-args (setq 
inferior-ess-start-args ess-start-args)) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer 
(format "(inf-ess 2.1): ess-language=%s, ess-dialect=%s buf=%s \n" 
ess-language ess-dialect ...)) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format 
"(inf-ess 2.2): start args = %s, inf-ess-start-args=%s \n" 
ess-start-args inferior-ess-start-args)) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer 
(format "(inf-ess finish [%s(%s), %s(%s,%s)]\n" ess-language ess-dialect 
inferior-ess-program ess-current-process-name ess-local-process-name)) 
(if startdir (setq default-directory startdir)) (setq-default 
ess-history-file (concat "." ess-dialect "history")) (let (...) 
(ess-multi procname buf inferior-ess-start-args)))
  (let ((temp-ess-dialect ...) (temp-ess-lang ...)) (save-excursion 
(set-buffer ess-dribble-buffer) (make-variable-buffer-local ...) 
(ess-setq-vars-default ess-customize-alist) (setq-default 
comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields nil)) (run-hooks (quote 
ess-pre-run-hook)) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format "(inf-ess 1): 
lang=%s, dialect=%s, tmp-dialect=%s, buf=%s\n" ess-language ess-dialect 
temp-ess-dialect ...)) (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) 
(ess-write-to-dribble-buffer ...) (cond ... ... ...) (set-buffer buf) 
(ess-setq-vars-local ess-customize-alist) (if ess-start-args ...) 
(ess-write-to-dribble-buffer ...) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer ...) 
(ess-write-to-dribble-buffer ...) (if startdir ...) (setq-default 
ess-history-file ...) (let ... ...)))
  inferior-ess("TERM=emacs stata ")
  (let ((sta-start-args ...)) (inferior-ess sta-start-args))
* call-interactively(execute-extended-command)

Thanks for the help. I truly appreciate it.  I gather from previous 
that few developers are still working with Stata.  More and more people 
in my
field are migrating to R, but Stata remains widely used.


Stephen Eglen wrote:

>Mmmm. inferior-ess-font-lock-keywords is set on a mode by mode basis,
>and for  Stata, it seems to be locally set to nil.
>First, please send a backtrace of the error.
>   If Emacs reports an error, backtraces can help us debug the problem.
>Type "M-x set-variable RET debug-on-error RET t RET".  Then run the
>command that causes the error and you should see a *Backtrace* buffer
>containing debug information; send us that buffer.
>then send us the error you get after running M-x stata
>Furthermore, as a guess, try adding the following 
>(setq inferior-ess-font-lock-keywords nil)
>in your .emacs file (before ESS loads) to see if that makes a
>difference after you restart emacs.
>Thanks, Ste[hen
Renato Corbetta, PhD                         Phone: 205-934-2336
238A Ullman                                  Fax: 205-975-5712
Department of Government                       
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
1212 University Blvd.
Birmingham, AL 35294-3050

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