[ESS] problems with emacclient

Seth Falcon sethfalcon at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 16:13:33 CET 2005

On  3 Nov 2005, khansen at stat.berkeley.edu wrote:
>> Maybe I should!  Try:
>> (add-hook
>> 'inferior-ess-mode-hook
>> '(lambda()
>> (if xemacs-p (gnuserv-start)
>> 	(server-start nil))))

That works better because (xemacs-p) is a function call, where as
xemacs-p is the variable.  Like in R if you say xp vs xp() (I think).

> Ok, that works. Or kind of, but my next problem is probably with the
> server-start command. When I do M-x R and do something like
> R> test <- function() { print(1) }
> R> fix(test)
> , R says
> emacsclient: can't find socket; have you started the server?
> Error in edit(name, file, title, editor) :
> 	problem with running editor emacsclient
> This also happens when I do M-x server-start
> In the *Messages* buffer I see
> Loading server...done
> so I would guess that the server is being loaded correctly.
> As I said earlier I am using Carbon Emacs v22.0.50, Ess 5.2.10 and  
> the binary version of R for MacOS from CRAN.
> Any ideas?

My guess is that the emacsclient that R is using is the built-in one
that comes with OS X.  You need to set it to something like:

That is, you need to call the emacsclient binary that is related to
your install of Emacs.


+ seth

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