[ESS] no gnuclient

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Sun Mar 27 21:10:55 CEST 2005

The correct syntax for edit is
   new.k <- edit(k)
   k <- edit(k)

The correct syntax for fix is
   fix(k)   ## this does the reassign of the new value to the object k

gnuclient tells you that the file coming from R must be closed with
   C-x #
in order to send the result back to R.

To get the edited object into the same frame, instead of a new frame,
add the lines to your .emacs or init.el

;;;; You need this if you decide to use gnuclient
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat where "emacs/gnuserv"))
(require 'gnuserv)
(setq gnuserv-frame (selected-frame))

These are correct for Windows.  I am not sure about linux.
The last line, about gnuserv-frame, is the one that places the
new object in the existing emacs frame.  Even though I prefer
the object to be in the existing frame, remember that the new
frame is part of the same instance of emacs, so it is not as costly
in machine resources as an entirely new instance of emacs. 

> We recommend that the master copy be kept in an ascii file myfile.r, 
> and that the
> object in .RData is secondary.  If you need to make a change, we 
> recommend that you
> change the ascii file and then load the revised file.
> See the section in the ESS manual on Philosophies for using ESS[S].
> The manual is
> in .../ess/doc/html/ess.html

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