[ESS] (no subject)

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Sat Feb 5 11:45:05 CET 2005

 > Now that I am no longer in a mathematics department, the days of using UNIX
 > boxes are over.  I have installed emacs 21.3 on my new windows box as well
 > as R 2.00.  Obviously, emacs works a little differently in a windows
 > environment than in a UNIX environment.  I am wanting to use emacs as my
 > main text editor while running R or Matlab as a subprocess.  Can you assist
 > me to get R running in a secondary buffer so that I can program in the other
 > buffer and use the ESS function to get R to run the code?  I recall that
 > with the UNIX boxes at school I could simply split the buffer, name one
 > buffer as "filename.r", in the other buffer type M-x R, and then code in the
 > filename.r buffer and have the code run in the other using ESS.
hi Adam,
I'll help you, and maybe you can help the ESS team.

As others have pointed out, you can follow John Fox's guide:


I use Emacs 21.3.50 and all I need in my windows .emacs file is:

(add-to-list  'load-path "c:/path/to/ess/lisp")
(require 'ess-site)
(setq inferior-R-program-name "c:/Program

and then M-x R works okay.

So, how can you help the team?  Well, if you could read the
instructions and tell us what is missing after you get it working, we
can think about improving the docs!


e.g. perhaps we can improve step 5 to setting inferior-R-program-name
rather than altering the path env var.


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