calculation resutls vs. actual R

Fred J. phddas at
Fri Mar 19 21:58:16 CET 2004

I am using R under ESS and ran a simple code, compared
the results with that of R "not under ESS" stand alone
R using W2K, the results are different, can that be
first R under ESS
x <- rnorm(10,-5,.1)
y <- rnorm(10,5,2)
X <- cbind(x,y)
> apply(X,2,mean)
        x         y 
-5.012987  5.630700  <------line ess1-------
> apply(X,2,sd)
         x          y 
0.09095238 1.19542961 <-----line ess2-------
then R standalone "not under ESS"
> x <- rnorm(10,-5,.1)
> y <- rnorm(10,5,2)
> X <- cbind(x,y)
> apply(X,2,mean)
        x         y 
-5.000288  5.264610   <-------line R1-----
> apply(X,2,sd)
        x         y 
0.1393349 1.9336755   <-------line R2-----
how come there is that big of a different between ess1
and R1, and ess2 and R2?


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