[ESS] small elisp library for iESS

Sebastian Luque sluque at mun.ca
Wed Dec 8 23:11:50 CET 2004

Dear List,

Here goes a new version of r-utils.el with many improvements, including your 
comments. I also added an experimental interface to w3m to browse the 
results of a custom help.start(), for those of you who (like me) don't like 
launching an external browser to navigate the html documentation.

I wasn't able to implement Tony's suggestion below, as 
my elisp isn't good enough to understand Rich's file. I think the idea is 
great though!

Feedback is always welcome and thanks for your comments so far!

Martin, if you could upgrade the file on the ess web site that would be great. 
Thank you!

On Tue, 7 December 2004 04:10 -0600, A.J. Rossini wrote:
> What you might consider doing is writing a function which provides
> your favorite mappings -- Rodney did 2 versions for SAS mode
> function-key maps, depending on whether you like SAS's Unix or PC
> mapping :-).
> I think it's in the essa-sas.el file, going by memory here.
> Then, others can use it as a template to make their own,
> recontributing their ideas as functions, too ;-).
> best,
> -tony
> On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 01:52:13 -0600, Sebastian Luque <sluque at mun.ca> wrote:
> > Patrick Drechsler wrote:
> > > Why not bind your functions to something like
> > >
> > > `C-c c <yourfunctions-abbrev-key>'?
> >
> > I just took a quick look at the lisp reference section on standards
> > (better late than never :-) ), which says function keys should be left up
> > to the user...just as Martin and Rich advised. So thanks a lot for the
> > suggestion and sorry everybody, the next one should be better.

Best wishes,
-------------- next part --------------
;; r-utils.el		Useful R functions and keybindings to use in iESS.
;; Time-stamp: <Wed 08 Dec 2004 14:46:54 CST>
;; Copyright (c) 2004 Sebastian Luque

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

;; Sebastian Luque is
;; 	<sluque at mun.ca>
;;   Unstable mailing address:
;; 	Fisheries and Oceans Canada
;; 	501 University Crescent
;; 	Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N6
;; 	Canada

;; Description and installation:

;; This library attempts to provide key bindings for performing basic R
;; functions, such as loading and managing packages, as well as object
;; manipulation. To install, put the file in an appropriate place depending on
;; your system. Load the library with the method you prefer (e.g. M-x
;; load-file), but the easiest is probably to a) make sure your load-path
;; variable includes the directory where r-utils.el resides, and b) include a
;; (require 'r-utils) statement in your .emacs file.

;; Usage:

;; Once R is started with M-x R, you should have the key bindings defined at
;; the end of this file working in your iESS process buffers. One of the
;; functions is just a wrapper for the ess-rdired function from Stephen
;; Eglen's ess-rdired.el. Simply type the desired key binding.

;; Acknowledgements:

;; I could not have written this file without using ideas from many others,
;; especially when learning a little lisp during spare time. I am grateful to
;; John Fox for having written his init.el file for XEmacs, which motivated me
;; to write this Emacs alternative. I wanted to add some object management
;; comforts and came across Stephen Eglen's ess-rdired.el, which provides
;; exactly that. In fact, r-utils uses a *lot* of ideas from ess-rdired.el, so
;; I thank Stephen and the ESS development group for making life with R so
;; much easier.

;; Note: I have only tested this on my own system: GNU Emacs 21.3.1
;; (i386-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars) of 2004-10-16 on raven,
;; modified by Debian. Comments and suggestions for improvement and
;; interoperability are *very* welcome.

;; Todo:

;; * Learn how essa.sas.el deals with key bindings, as suggested by Anthony
;; Rossini.

;; should 'provide' go here or at the end as some files do?
(provide 'r-utils)

;; autoloads and requires. What else should be 'required' here?
(autoload 'ess-rdired "ess-rdired" "View *R* objects in a dired-like buffer." t)
(require 'ess-site)

(defvar r-utils-buf "*R temp*"
  "Name of temporary R buffer.")

(defvar r-utils-mode-map nil
  "Keymap for the *R temp* buffer.")

(if r-utils-mode-map
  (setq r-utils-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key r-utils-mode-map "l" 'r-utils-loadpkg)
  (define-key r-utils-mode-map "i" 'r-utils-mark-install)
  (define-key r-utils-mode-map "I" 'r-utils-install)
  (define-key r-utils-mode-map "u" 'r-utils-unmark)
  (define-key r-utils-mode-map "q" 'r-utils-quit)
  (define-key r-utils-mode-map "?" 'r-utils-help))

(defun r-utils-mode ()
  "Major mode for output from r-utils-localpkgs and r-utils-repospkgs.
Useful bindings to handle package loading and installing.
  (use-local-map r-utils-mode-map)
  (setq major-mode 'r-utils-mode)
  (setq mode-name (concat "R utils " ess-local-process-name)))

(defun r-utils-localpkgs ()
  "List all packages in all libraries."
  (if (get-buffer r-utils-buf)
	(set-buffer r-utils-buf)
	(setq buffer-read-only nil)))
   "writeLines(paste('  ', sort(.packages(all.available=TRUE)), sep=''))"
   (substring r-utils-buf 1 (- (length r-utils-buf) 1)))
  (pop-to-buffer r-utils-buf)
    (beginning-of-line) (open-line 1)
    (insert "**Available packages in all local R libraries**"))
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (if (featurep 'fit-frame)

(defun r-utils-namepkg ()
  "Return name of the package on current line."
    (if (looking-at "*")
      (forward-char 2)
      (let (beg)
	(setq beg (point))
	(end-of-line) ;assume package names are separated by newlines.
	(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))))

(defun r-utils-loadpkg ()
  "Load package from a library."
  (let ((oklocal nil))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (search-forward "libraries**" nil t)
	  (setq oklocal t)))
    (if oklocal
	  (setq pkg (r-utils-namepkg))
	  (ess-execute (concat "library('" pkg "', character.only=TRUE)")

(defun r-utils-repospkgs (repos)
  "List packages from the REPOS repository (CRAN or BIOC)."
  (interactive "sRepository to list packages from: ")
  (if (get-buffer r-utils-buf)
	(set-buffer r-utils-buf)
	(setq buffer-read-only nil)))
  (ess-execute (concat
		"writeLines(paste('  \"', rownames(CRAN.packages(getOption('"
		repos "'))), '\"', sep=''))")
	       (substring r-utils-buf 1 (- (length r-utils-buf) 1)))
  (pop-to-buffer r-utils-buf)
    (kill-line 5)
    (insert (concat "**" repos " packages available to install**")))
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (if (featurep 'fit-frame)

(defun r-utils-mark-install (arg)
  "Mark the current package for installing.
ARG lines to mark is passed to r-utils-mark."
  (interactive "p")
  ;; if this is not an install package buffer return nil.
  (let ((okmark nil))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (search-forward "install**" nil t)
	  (setq okmark t)))
    (if okmark
	(r-utils-mark "I" arg)

(defun r-utils-unmark (arg)
  "Unmark the packages, passing ARG lines to unmark to r-utils-mark."
  (interactive "p")
  (r-utils-mark " " arg))

;; The next two functions almost verbatim from ess-rdired.el.
(defun r-utils-mark (mark-char arg)
  "Mark package on current (or next ARG lines) line using MARK-CHAR."
  ;; If we are on first line, mark all lines.
  (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
    (if (eq (point-min)
	    (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))
	  ;; we are on first line, so make a note of point, and count
	  ;; how many objects we want to delete.  Then at end of defun,
	  ;; restore point.
	  (setq move (point))
	  (forward-line 1)
	  (setq arg (count-lines (point) (point-max)))))
    (while (and (> arg 0) (not (eobp)))
      (setq arg (1- arg))
	(insert mark-char)
	(delete-char 1)
	(forward-line 1)))
    (if move
	(goto-char move))))

(defun r-utils-install ()
  "Install all packages flagged for installation, and return to the iESS buffer.
User is asked for confirmation."
  (let ((inst "install.packages(c(")
	(count 0))
      (goto-line 2)
      ;; as long as number of lines between buffer start and point is smaller
      ;; than the total number of lines in buffer, go to the beginning of the
      ;; line, check if line is flagged, and if it is, advance the counter by
      ;; one, create the root of install function, add the package name,
      ;; insert a comma, and move forward a line.
      (while (< (count-lines (point-min) (point))
		(count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
	(if (looking-at "^I ")
	    (setq count (1+ count)
		  inst (concat inst (r-utils-namepkg) ", " )))
	(forward-line 1)))
    (if (> count 0)			;found packages to install
	  ;; Fix the install function created before and close it.
	  (setq inst (concat
		      (substring inst 0 (- (length inst) 2)) "))"))
	  (if (yes-or-no-p (format "Install %d %s " count
				   (if (> count 1) "packages" "package")))
		(ess-execute inst 'buffer)
      ;; else nothing to install
      (message "no packages flagged to install"))))

(defun r-utils-updatepkgs (repos)
  "Update packages from REPOS."
  (interactive "srepository to update from: ")
  (ess-execute (concat "update.packages(CRAN=getOption('"
		       repos "'))") 'buffer))

(defun r-utils-apropos (string)
  "Search for STRING using apropos."
  (interactive "sApropos search for? ")
  (if (get-buffer r-utils-buf)
	(set-buffer r-utils-buf)
	(setq buffer-read-only nil)))
  (ess-execute (concat "apropos('" string "')")
	       (substring r-utils-buf 1 (- (length r-utils-buf) 1)))
  (pop-to-buffer r-utils-buf)
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (if (featurep 'fit-frame)

(defun r-utils-rmall ()
  "Remove all R objects."
  (if (y-or-n-p "Delete all objects? ")
      (ess-execute "rm(list=ls())" 'buffer)))

(defun r-utils-objs ()
  "Manipulate R objects; wrapper for ess-rdired."
  (if (featurep 'fit-frame)

(defun r-utils-loadwkspc (file)
  "Load workspace FILE into R."
  (interactive "fFile with workspace to load: ")
  (ess-execute (concat "load('" file "')") 'buffer))

(defun r-utils-savewkspc (file)
  "Save FILE workspace.
File extension not required."
  (interactive "FSave workspace to file (no extension): ")
  (ess-execute (concat "save.image('" file ".RData')") 'buffer))

(defun r-utils-chgdir (dir)
  "Change to DIR working directory."
  (interactive "DChange directory to: ")
  (ess-execute (concat "setwd('" dir "')") 'buffer))

(defun r-utils-quit ()
  "Kill the r-utils buffer and return to the iESS buffer."
  (kill-buffer r-utils-buf))

;; (experimental) navigating html documentation with w3m.
;; Maybe create a customizable variable to switch it on?
(defun r-utils-htmldocs ()
  "Use w3m to navigate R html documentation.
Documentation is produced by help.start()."
  (let ((rhtml ".rutils.help.start <- function () {.Script('sh', 'help-links.sh',
paste(tempdir(), paste(.libPaths(), collapse = ' '))); make.packages.html();
url <- paste('file://', tempdir(), '/.R/doc/html/index.html', sep = '');
url}; .rutils.help.start()\n")
	(tmpbuf (get-buffer-create "**r-utils-mode**")))
    (ess-command rhtml tmpbuf)
    (set-buffer tmpbuf)
    (setq url (buffer-substring (+ 18 (point-min)) (- (point-max) 2)))
    (w3m-goto-url-new-session (concat "file:" url))
    (kill-buffer tmpbuf)))

(defun r-utils-help ()
  "Show help on `r-utils-mode'."
  (describe-function 'r-utils-mode))

;; Customizable variable to allow r-utils-keys to activate default key bindings.
;; Suggested by Rich Heiberger. Not sure how to implement this.
(defcustom r-utils-keys nil
  "Non-nil means activate R-utils keybindings and menu."
  :group 'ess-r
  :type 'boolean)

(defun r-utils-keys ()
  (if r-utils-keys
	;; Some key bindings suggested by Patrick Dreschler.
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (l)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (r)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (u)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (a)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (m)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (o)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (w)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (s)]
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [(control c) (c) (d)]
	;; Menu, as suggested by Martin Maechler.
	  (lookup-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS])
	  '("--") 'ess-submit-bug-report)
	  (lookup-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS])
	  (cons "R-utils" (make-sparse-keymap "R-utils"))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils htmldocs]
	  '("Browse HTML" . r-utils-htmldocs))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils apropos]
	  '("Apropos" . r-utils-apropos))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils chgdir]
	  '("Change directory" . r-utils-chgdir))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils savewkspc]
	  '("Save workspace" . r-utils-savewkspc))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils loadwkspc]
	  '("Load workspace" . r-utils-loadwkspc))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils updatepkgs]
	  '("Update packages" . r-utils-updatepkgs))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils repospkgs]
	  '("Repositories" . r-utils-repospkgs))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils localpkgs]
	  '("Local packages" . r-utils-localpkgs))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils rmall]
	  '("Remove objects" . r-utils-rmall))
	(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map [menu-bar iESS r-utils objs]
	  '("Manage objects" . r-utils-objs)))))

;; I don't know if this should be here or let the user do it, e.g., in .emacs.
(add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook

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