OT?: Pull string from nw file and put in SAS file?

Brian P. Flaherty bxf4 at psu.edu
Tue Apr 13 20:31:48 CEST 2004


I'm sending this to ess-help list because I learned about noweb from
ESS and most of my noweb use is with SAS and Splus.  I hope this isn't
too far off-topic.

I use noweb for almost all of my statistical work now.  I also use RCS
to keep track of changes to my noweb files.  Here's an example of the
top of one of my noweb files:

% -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: sas-mode; -*-
%%% Time-stamp: <2004-03-27 09:01:38 bxf4>
%%% $Id: mixed.nw,v 1.1 2004/03/27 14:01:46 bxf4 Exp bxf4 $
%%% $Log: mixed.nw,v $
%%% Revision 1.1  2004/03/27 14:01:46  bxf4
%%% Initial revision

And I'd like to automatically pull the Id string above and insert it
into the SAS control files I generate from the noweb source.  Does
anyone have any suggestions about how I can do this?  I've tried, but
not made any progress.  Thanks for your time.


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