Setting up ESS for Win2000

A.J. Rossini rossini at
Fri Jan 3 21:35:21 CET 2003

>>>>> "jim" == Jim Garrett <Jim_Garrett at> writes:

    jim> Oops, I've encountered another problem.  I was indeed able to start R, but
    jim> when I quit R, emacs froze.  After a little experimentation, this seems to
    jim> occur only after I have created a plot in a graphics window.  (And even
    jim> after I've closed the window.)

    jim> Specifically, I was running R fine, I created a plot, and I closed the plot
    jim> window (I did this with every means I could think of:, going
    jim> through the graphics window's file menu, and simply clicking on the "close
    jim> window" Windows icon).  Then I entered "q()", entered "n" at the "Save
    jim> workspace image?" prompt, and then emacs hung.

    jim> This does not happen if I have never created a plot.

Interesting.  Can any one else verify this, or try it under XEmacs?


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini at	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini at
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