SAS function keys

Kasper Daniel Hansen K.Hansen at
Mon Aug 11 12:43:22 CEST 2003


I'm trying to get the function keys to work in ESS(SAS) mode. Im using KDE 
under Redhat 8 and using ssh to login remoteky to the server running SAS. On 
that server I start an emacs.

In the ess-site.el file everything is commented (as it was originally). In my 
~/.emacs file I have used

;; ESS
(load "~sfesys/emacs/site-lisp/ess/lisp/ess-site")
(setq ess-sas-global-unix-keys t)
(setq ess-sas-submit-command "sas82")

( On our system we have two sas commands availble "sas" (sas v612) and "sas82" 
(sas v82). )

The function keys do not work and when using ess-sas-submit / ess-sas-goto-log 
I see that ESS have used the "sas" command, instead of the "sas82" command. 
It seems that the definitions in my .emacs file are ignored. Any suggestions?

Kasper Daniel Hansen, Research Assistant
Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen
Email: k.hansen at, Office: 22.3.40
Phone: +45 35 32 79 20, Fax: +45 35 32 79 07

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