S+6 setup for Unix

Rich Heiberger rmh at surfer.sbm.temple.edu
Wed Apr 30 23:37:48 CEST 2003

I think you are looking in the wrong place.
ess-S+6-startup-delay is defined in essdsp6w.el for windows.
For unix you should be looking at essd-sp6.el

On windows there is a distinction between gnuclient and gnuclientw.
I don't think that distinction exists on unix.
With gnuclient, the S process waits until the edit is complete.
This is the correct choice for edit().

With gnuclientw, the S process does not wait.  This is the correct choice
for page()

I believe inferior-S+6-print-command is normally send to lp or lpr on unix
.machines.  That's not always available on windows so I sent it to the
emacs process (with gnuclientw).  Sometimes the user will actually print it.
I find that I want the print material in a searchable and scrollable buffer.

Some unix systems use gnuclient, others emacsclient.  Make sure you use the
one that you have.


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