starting inferior Splus process iESS[S]

Rich Heiberger rmh at
Wed Apr 16 23:42:57 CEST 2003

ESS and emacs can handle any length filename.  They only have problems
with embedded blanks.

On the code 128,
a. Does the command
c:/programfiles/insightful/splus61/cmd/splus.exe /MULTIPLEINSTANCES S_PRINT_COMMAND=gnuclientw.exe S_PROJ=e:/foo
work when manually typed into the *shell* buffer running cygwin sh?

Does the corresponding command
c:\programfiles\insightful\splus61\cmd\splus.exe \MULTIPLEINSTANCES S_PRINT_COMMAND=gnuclientw.exe S_PROJ=e:\foo
work when manually typed into the *shell* buffer running msdos?
(which you can get with
M-x load-file correctpath/ess/lisp/msdos.el
M-x msdos
M-x shell
Doe it work when typed into the msdos prompt window?

b. if typing into the msdos prompt window causes trouble, then run down the
hall and ask one of the systems people to look at your computer.

c. Since you are at Insightful, running down the hall for a systems person
might still work for the other situations.  Many of the Unix users at
Insightful also use ESS, and some of the Windows people do as well.

On gnuserv/gnuclient:
You will notice (once you get it running) that by default ESS sets the
.S-Plus options editor, pager, help.pager to gnuclient gnuclientw and

When I want to look at an S-Plus function (lm.default, for example),
I type at the command line

page(lm, file="lm.s")

and the file is displayed in an emacs buffer where I have full editing control.
If I forget to give it a file name, it places it in an emacs buffer with
a temporary randomly generated name.

The help files that use the windows help system continue to use the windows
help system.  the ones that use the older style (mostly non-Insightful
libraries now) place their help files in appropriate emacs buffers.

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