Configuration help for R with ESS+XEmacs under windows xp with John Fox's instructions

Rich Heiberger rmh at
Tue Dec 17 02:29:52 CET 2002

The "Timeout waiting for prompt" message often means that there is a timing
mismatch.  Put the cursor at the end of the *R* window and press Enter.

If that doesn't work, then send a bug report by
   M-x ess-submit-bug-report
.and follow the instructions.  This function collects various internal
information about ESS that we need and sends that along with your description
of the problem.

Since the error message says there is a problem in your init.el, please
send a copy of init.el

Also, start xemacs without any initialization ("xemacs --vanilla"?)
and then load ESS and let us know what happens.


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