html help in R

A.J. Rossini rossini at
Sat Jan 20 01:13:07 CET 2001

>>>>> "PK" == Peter Kleiweg <kleiweg at> writes:

    PK> gpetris at skriver...
    >> What I like better about the Netscape help than the ESS help
    >> buffer is the possibility of easily following links for the
    >> help pages of related topics. I also don't like very much to
    >> have my R buffer cut in half. Would it be easy to modify
    >> something so that the help buffer pops up in another frame?

    PK> It would be more logical to just respect the user's
    PK> wishes. Let me use htmlhelp if I want to.

    PK> I like to work in a full screen window. With virtual windows
    PK> it's only one keystroke to switch between full-screen Emacs
    PK> and full-screen Netscape. It are a lot of keystrokes in Emacs
    PK> to get to the help buffer, maximise it, and kill it when I'm
    PK> done.

    PK> I now have to use a function:

    PK>     h <- function(...) help(htmlhelp=T,...)

    PK> But I'd rather just use the question mark.

I understand the environment, since I work in something (using sawfish
as my wm).  So I'm a bit confused why it takes so many extra key
strokes (I'm counting only 6-10 total) to accomplish this in
Emacs/Sawfish (maybe more, depending on how you've config'd your window

In fact, you shouldn't have to kill off the buffer most times.

However, I think it would be possible to speed things up a bit.


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
UW Biostat/Center for AIDS Research	rossini at	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini at
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