"Selecting deleted buffer" error

A.J. Rossini rossini at biostat.washington.edu
Wed Feb 9 18:25:12 CET 2000

>>>>> "ML" == Mary Lindstrom <lindstro at biostat.wisc.edu> writes:

    ML> I apologize if my questions are FAQs.

None of them are.  We don't have a FAQ list, and most tend to be
related to botched release jobs in the 5.1.x series...

    ML> This happens to me 3 or 4 times a day. I'll be running S+3
    ML> under ESS and I start getting "Selecting deleted buffer" error
    ML> messages when executing any ESS command. It seems to be
    ML> related to ending the S session but not always.  I have to
    ML> kill the Emacs session and start a new one.  (I'm using Emacs
    ML> 19.34.1 and ESS-5.1.9).

Could you see if the *ESS* buffer stll exists at that point?

    ML> Thanks for your patients. 

Don't ruin our accrual!


A.J. Rossini		       Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics 
Biostatistics/Univ. of Washington  (Th)	Box 357232   206-543-1044 (3286=fax)
Center for AIDS Research/HMC/UW	  (M/F)	Box 359931   206-731-3647 (3693=fax)
VTN/SCHARP/FHCRC		 (Tu/W)	Box 358080   206-667-7025 (4812=fax)

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