install ESS on win-32

A.J. Rossini rossini at
Thu Dec 14 18:04:45 CET 2000

>>>>> "TS" == Thomas Stockton <stockton at> writes:

    TS> [snip]
    >> 2. R does not work correctly with ESS on W2K (and maybe NT).
    >> The next release of R is supposed to fix that bug.

    TS> I use ESS with R 1.1.1 under W2K and it works great. However,

There are some reported glitches with 1.1.1, but apparently the deal-killing
problems have been solved.  My next-office neighbor says 1.2.0 is
about to be released, and that should solve more problems (especially
the need for --nsize/--vsize, FINALLY!  I've been using it under Unix,
and it appears to be working).

    TS> I could not get gnuserv to work and to be honest I don't
    TS> understand why I would want to. For Windows users with limited
    TS> unix experience installation and use of ESS can be very
    TS> confusing. Maybe installation documentation from a Windows
    TS> centric prespective would be helpful. Though I must say the
    TS> installation instructions in ess-5.1.18 were much improved
    TS> over earlier versions.

Please send any contributions or points that you want cleared up to
this list (or me, personally, and I'll correct or forward to the rest
of the developers).  

Part of the problem is that some of us (myself, for example) are
severely Windows-hostile...  but that's our (my :-) fight to overcome,
and any assistance or "please clarify this" comments for the
documentation is welcome!


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
BlindGlobe Networks (home/default)	rossini at	
UW Biostat/Center for AIDS Research	rossini at	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini at

FHCRC: M/Tu: 206-667-7025 (fax=4812) | Voicemail is pretty sketchy
CFAR:   W/F: 206-731-3647 (fax=3694) | Email is far better than phone
UW:    Th/F: 206-543-1044 (fax=3286) | Change last 4 digits of phone for fax
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