[Bioc-sig-seq] Loading large BAM files

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Wed Jul 13 22:57:45 CEST 2011

On 07/13/2011 01:36 PM, Ivan Gregoretti wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> As I wait for my large BAM to be read in by scanBAM, I can't help but to wonder:
> Has anybody tried combining scanBam with multicore to load the
> chromosomes in parallel?
> That would require
> 1) to merge the chunks at the end and
> 2) the original BAM to be indexed.
> Does anybody have any experience to share?

Was wondering how large and long we're talking about?

Use of ScanBamParam(what=...) can help.

For some tasks I'd think of a coarser granularity, e.g., in the context 
of multiple bam files so that the data reduction (to a vector of 
10,000's of counts) occurs on each core.

   counter = function(fl, genes) {
       aln = readGappedAlignments(fl)
       strand(aln) = "*"
       hits = countOverlaps(aln, genes)
       countOverlaps(genes, aln[hits==1])
   simplify2array(mclapply(bamFiles, counter, genes))

One issue I understand people have is that mclapply uses 'serialize()' 
to convert the return value of each function to a raw vector. raw 
vectors have the same total length limit as any other vector (2^31 -1 
elements) and this places a limit on the size of chunk returned by each 
core. Also I believe that exceeding the limit can silently corrupt the 
data (i.e., a bug). This is second-hand information.


> Thank you,
> Ivan
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