[Bioc-sig-seq] Problem loading MAQ map file in ShortRead

Gordon Robertson grobertson at bcgsc.ca
Thu Apr 30 18:40:58 CEST 2009

I'm starting to learn to use ShortRead, so apologize if I've missed
something simple. I've read the relevant sections of the three PDF docs that
are available from the ShortRead web page.

I'm using R-2.9.0, compiled from source on 64-bit RehHat Enterprise Linux,
and installed ShortRead within the past two weeks.

Briefly, I'm able to load an Illumina Export file, but not the corresponding
Maq file. I don't understand the MAQmap error message, but I don't get such
an error when I change the dirPath, pattern and type and rerun to load the
SolexaExport file, which is in the folder above the 'map' file. And I seem
to be able to start to load the 'map' file using an incorrect 'MAQMapview'

1. Attempt to read a MAQ 0.7.1 'map' file
> readAligned("/archive/solexa1_4/analysis/HS1035/30WLMAAXX_5/maq/",
pattern="30WLMAAXX_5.map", type="MAQMap")
Error: UserArgumentMismatch
  'dirPath', 'pattern' must be 'character(1)'

2. Try the Illumina 'export' file
> readAligned("/archive/solexa1_4/analysis/HS1035/30WLMAAXX_5/",
pattern="30WLMAAXX_5_export.txt", type="SolexaExport")
class: AlignedRead
length: 15256798 reads; width: 76 cycles
chromosome: QC QC ... QC QC
position: NA NA ... NA NA
strand: NA NA ... NA NA
alignQuality: NumericQuality
alignData varLabels: run lane ... y filtering

3. As a test, I can apparently start to load the 'map' file using
> readAligned('/archive/solexa1_4/analysis/HS1035/30WLMAAXX_5/maq/',
pattern='30WLMAAXX_5.map', type='MAQMapview')
Error: Input/Output
  'readAligned' failed to parse files
  dirPath: '/archive/solexa1_4/analysis/HS1035/30WLMAAXX_5/maq/'
  pattern: '30WLMAAXX_5.map'
  type: 'MAQMapview'
  error: scan() expected 'an integer', got

Could you help me understand why I'm unable to readAligned the 'map' file?
Again, I apologize if I've missed something simple. Thanks for your help.

Gordon Robertson
Gene Regulation Informatics
Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
Vancouver BC Canada

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