[R-sig-ME] pwrssUpdate Error with new version of lme4

Steve Walker steve.walker at utoronto.ca
Mon Sep 23 13:56:41 CEST 2013

On 2013-09-23 4:34 AM, Johannes Radinger wrote:
> Hi,
> I am building binomial (logit, binary response) models with the glmer
> function of lme4.
> Today I updated to the new version 1.0-4 and now I get following errors:
> "pwrssUpdate
> did not converge in 30 iterations". In the old version the model fit was
> generally working.
> So is what can I do to make the models working again?

It would definitely help if you could provide more information about 
your model. Better yet, it would be good if you could provide a minimal 
example, including (possibly fake, reduced, or permuted) data, that 
reproduces your problem.


> Increase the number
> of iterations?

Currently the number of pwrss iterations is hard-coded at 30. However, 
you can try altering the tolerance by setting the control argument to 
something like glmerControl(tolPwrss=1e-3) say. In general, you can find 
more information about control parameters at ?glmerControl


> Change some other settings in my model?
> Thank you for your suggestions!
> Best regards,
> Johannes
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