[R-sig-ME] GLMM using cplm package in R

Gavin Leighton gleighton at bio.miami.edu
Sat Feb 2 21:07:21 CET 2013

Hi all,

I've been trying to build a glmm using cplm with a tweedie distribution. 
I tried to follow the cran specifications but can not get the following
code to run (all prereq packages have been successfully installed):

TweedieGLMM.M1 = cpglmm(COOPPERMIN ~ fSEX + fAGE + (1 | fISIS), data =
SDdata, link = 2)

The error I receive is:

Error: no valid set of coefficients has been found, please supply starting

Do I need to specify an additional value in the "link" argument?  Or does
this have something to do with specifying the initial values for the
different chains?

Any insight would be appreciated.


Gavin Leighton
PhD. Candidate
University of Miami
1301 Memorial Drive
Coral Gables, FL

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