[R-sig-ME] Between and within variance in a GLMM
Renwick, A. R.
a.renwick at abdn.ac.uk
Wed Nov 26 12:11:57 CET 2008
I have a wee query regarding the variation explained by the random effect in a GLMM using lme4 package. In the model output I was under the assumption that the value given as Std Dev is the VARIANCE BETWEEN the random factor and the VARIANCE WITHIN could be calculated using the following equation:
Variance WITHIN = ST value x Variance BETWEEN.
Therefore, Variance WITHIN = ST value x Std Dev value in model output.
However, the ST value is always equal to the Std Dev given in model output so can someone clarify how to calulate the within and between variance of the random effect.
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: fleapresence ~ sex + width + sess + Nhat + alt + width:sess + (1 | LocTran)
Data: flea
AIC BIC logLik deviance
1797 1863 -886.7 1773
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
LocTran (Intercept) 0.10512 0.32422
Number of obs: 1697, groups: LocTran, 14
..@ ST :List of 1
.. ..$ : num [1, 1] 0.324
Anna Renwick
Institute of Biological & Environment Sciences
University of Aberdeen
Zoology Building
Tillydrone Avenue
AB24 2TZ
The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
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