[R-SIG-Finance] RCurl post request implement problem.

Arbor wang arborwang at qq.com
Thu Sep 24 12:08:50 CEST 2015

Hi All, 
I want to post request for getting data from API  via RCurl.

in Linux command line, I do it successfully:

 dt = 'date+%y%m%d%H%M%S'
 home_ph = /data/test
 data_ph = /data/test/data
 urls =
 curl $urls -H 'Connection: close' -o $data_ph/$1-$2-$dt.txt -u user1:eb2e9a27392d4cfd3ce2d3f00bc18d7e --data @$home_ph/$1 --compressed

the post content as follows:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>











But I cannot code it with getURL() function in R.

  >> sort(names(getCurlOptionsConstants()))

Although I can get the list of options, No further info about these options, 

no bridge between the options of getURL() and libCurl.

Could anyone give me some advice for me to do the code with RCurl Library in R ?

Any help is much appreciated. 3x much.
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