[R-SIG-Finance] Newbie question on getSymbols() in quantmod

L.-Y. Hin lyhin at netvigator.com
Wed Dec 31 03:58:07 CET 2008

Dear gurus,

I am learning the quantmod library, and trying to download
the equity series for HSBC from yahoo.

I checked from yahoo finance that the symbol is 0005.HK,
and then I used

> library(quantmod)
> getSymbols("0005.HK",src="yahoo")
[1] "0005.HK"
> candleChart(0005.HK)
Error: unexpected symbol in "candleChart(0005.HK"
> chartSeries(0005.HK)
Error: unexpected symbol in "chartSeries(0005.HK"
> Cl(0005.HK)
Error: unexpected symbol in "Cl(0005.HK"

It seems like probably no data has been loaded by the 
approach above.

However, the same scripts work for NYSE equities like
> getSymbols("A",src="yahoo")
[1] "A"
> chartSeries(A)
> length(Cl(A))   #To check whether OHLC data has been loaded
[1] 503

I suspect the problem is in the way I tried to load 0005.HK....

I'll be very grateful for your kind advice.

Many thanks 


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