[R-SIG-Finance] plotting with package vars

Ivan Sutoris ivan.sutoris at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 14:08:47 CET 2008

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
<bernhard at pfaffikus.de> wrote:
> Dear Ivan,
> many thanks for your report. (1) has been fixed and a corrected version of
> vars is now on R-Forge (see AICTS II). It will be populated to CRAN in due
> course. With respect to (2), aside of the Matthieu's code it should be noted
> that ylim has been set to the same values on purpose, i.e., to enable a
> better comparison between the irf.
> Best,
> Bernhard
> Matthieu Stigler schrieb:
>> Dear Ivan
>> Concerning your second question, the same scale of the y axis, I just had
>> the same problem and   modified the function, ading an argument
>> same.scale=TRUE or FALSE. You can use it if you want, just use it with
>> source() and set same.scale default value as you want. It may still have
>> some probs, did not check extensively... let me know.
>> Mat

I'm glad I helped to improve vars package. Regarding same scales in
irf plot, I understand the logic behind the decision, but I think
there may be cases where unequal scales make more sense, so option
like in Mathieu's code would be useful...anyway, that's just my
opinion. Thanks for quick replies and assistance.

Ivan Sutoris

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