[R-SIG-Finance] How to optimize a trading singal generator (for-loop)?

Michael Zak zakdump at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 15:12:40 CET 2008

Hi guys,

I've got some performance troubles with my trading signal generator,  
which indicates when the system goes long or short.
I'm playing with some historical data and the for-loop isn't doing his  
job very efficient. Is there some vectorial solution for this?

Here the for-loop:

 > trade.long  <- 0
 > trade.short <- 0
 > for (j in peak.days : dim(commodities[[i]])[1]) {
 > 	# Trading Signal Long
 > 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "High"] >= commodities[[i]][j,  
"HighestHigh"] && trade.long == 0) {
 > 		commodities[[i]][j, "Long"] <- 1
 > 		trade.long <- 1
 > 	}
 > 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "Low"] <= commodities[[i]][j, "emaH"] &&  
trade.long == 1) {
 > 		commodities[[i]][j, "Long"] <- -1
 > 		trade.long <- 0
 > 	}
 > 	# Trading Signal Short
 > 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "Low"] <= commodities[[i]][j, "LowestLow"]  
&& trade.short == 0) {
 > 		commodities[[i]][j, "Short"] <- 1
 > 		trade.short <- 1
 > 	}
 > 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "High"] >= commodities[[i]][j, "emaL"] &&  
trade.short == 1) {
 > 		commodities[[i]][j, "Short"] <- -1
 > 		trade.short <- 0
 > 	}
 > } # for (j in peak.days : dim(commodities[[i]])[1])

Any ideas are very appreciated. Thank you, Michael

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