[R-SIG-Finance] (no subject)

Gultekin Isiklar gisiklar at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 13:49:43 CEST 2008

After using various software packages, I have recently started using R and 
I am especially impressed with its succinct syntax. 
I am at the very early stages of using it so I hope the following question 
is not very off.
What is the easiest way of creating a simulated series like

I can do this using a for loop after using something like 
y = numeric (100)
err =rnorm(100,mean =0, sd =1)
for (t in 2:100{
y [t] = 1+0.9*y [t-1]+err [t ]
but I was wondering if there is a simpler way of doing this in R without 
using a for loop.

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