Duncan Murdoch
murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 20:07:01 CET 2013
On 28/03/2013 2:21 PM, Andras Farkas wrote:
> Dear All,
> wonder if you have a thought on the following: I am using the round(x,digits=3) command, but some of my values come out as: 0.07099999999999999 AND 0.06900000000000001. Any thoughts on why this maty be happening or how to eliminate the problem?
You are confusing rounding and string conversion. I imagine
is what you get when you print 0.071 with 17 digits, because 0.071 can't
be represented exactly in the double precision floating point that R
uses. If you want to format it for display, then use format() (or
sprintf(), or one of the other formatting functions), don't use round().
Duncan Murdoch
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