[R] hyperSpec user survey

Claudia Beleites chemometrie at beleites.de
Wed Jul 25 19:35:57 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I'm looking for users of the hyperSpec package for handling
(hyper)spectral or spectroscopic data in R which I maintain.

First of all, I made a few announcements concerning the further
development which can be found in the hyperSpec-help mailing list an on
which I hope to get user feedback: see

My second issue is:
Once in a while I have to convince people (adminstration of the
institute) that hyperSpec now has a considerable user base. Obviously,
this is  important for getting funding to go on with the development.

It would be extremely helpful if the hyperSpec users among you could
drop me a short email saying
- what kind of spectroscopy you use hyperSpec for
- where you are (country, if possible city and institution/company)
Of course, I'll treat the answers confidentially and I won't use names
etc. and I won't sell any information.

The goal is to have a few slides (geographical distribution of users -
always a nice and fancy thing to show, statistics on the kind of
spectroscopy etc.) which I'll also put on the hyperSpec homepage so you
can use them as well.

Thanks a lot,

Claudia Beleites

PS: please excuse if you get this request multiple times, I try to get
to "my" users in different ways...

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